Most people will let the 40th anniversary of Watergate pass without a second thought — not Joe Mosier, manager of the wine department at the Andersons’ Woodville Road location.

Mosier has organized “Th e Watergate Break-in 40th Anniversary Commemorative Wine Tasting” at the store for 1-3 p.m. June 16, 2012.

“I actually thought about this five years ago for the 35th anniversary, but I didn’t do it,” he said. This time, Mosier rolled with the idea to commemorate Watergate in a fun way.

Watergate refers to the scandal that broke when five men were found attempting to wiretap the national Democratic headquarters at the Watergate Hotel on June 17, 1972. The subsequent events culminated in President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974.

“I thought, ‘Let’s have some fun with this,’” Mosier said of the tasting. When Mosier saw a chardonnay called “The Chardonnay Conspiracy” in one of his catalogs, he knew he was on to something.

“That kind of tied it together,” he said. The other wines are “Sinister Hand” Grenache, “Plungerhead” Old Vine Zinfandel and “The Prisoner” red. Mosier chose the wines based on the names and “they also happen to be very good wines,” he said.

Samples are priced individually, but patrons can taste all four for $4. The Andersons on Woodville Road hosts beer and wine tastings every Saturday, with beer from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and wine from 1-3 p.m.

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