(Happenings are compiled from press releases and placed in order of occurring dates)
2nd Annual Lucas DD Art Show at Franklin Park Mall
TOLEDO — The Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities is once again partnering with Franklin Park Mall for its second annual Lucas DD Art Show. It will feature nearly 80 pieces of art made exclusively by individuals with developmental disabilities.
The week-long exhibit runs March 24-31 and will be in the center court of the mall. It is all part of National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month celebrations by the Board.
Media are invited to a kickoff event, 11 a.m. Monday, March 24, which will start with Toledo City Councilman Sam Melden, whose District 5 includes Franklin Park, proclaiming March as DD Awareness Month in Toledo. Lucas DD and Mall officials, as well as featured artists served by the Board, will be available for interviews.
Artwork will be on display all week at the mall, capped off by a Meet the Artists event, 1-3 p.m. Sunday, March 30.
March 24-31 at the Franklin Park Mall
Order tree seedlings and more through Lucas SWCD sale
LUCAS COUNTY – The Lucas Soil and Water Conservation District (Lucas SWCD) is accepting orders for the Annual Tree, Shrub, and Garden Sale now through March 28. There are two ways to place an order: online through our website at Lswcd-tree.square.site (credit card only) or stop by the office during business hours to fill out an order form and make the payment (cash, check or credit card accepted at the office).
This year’s sale offers several hardwood species in 3-gallon pots including Northern Catalpa, Serviceberry, Black Gum, and Eastern Redbud. Also offered are bare root seedling packs of flowering shrubs like Gray Dogwood and Ninebark and three varieties of conifers or evergreens.
If you are interested in getting more than one species in a pack, you can order a Variety Habitat Packet or the Native Prairie Seed Packets, which contain seeds from flowers
and grasses collected locally from the Oak Openings Region. New this year is the Apple Tree Bundle, featuring two fan-favorite varieties to grow your own apples!
UToledo medical researchers give harmful algal blooms lecture
OREGON – The University of Toledo Lake Erie Center will host a free, public lecture on the health impacts of harmful algal blooms.
UToledo’s Dr. Joan Duggan, Dr. Steven Haller and Dr. David Kennedy will present “Great Lakes, Healthy Lives: What We Know About the Health Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms and How You Can Drive Change” at 7 p.m.
Duggan specializes in infectious diseases as a professor and medical doctor practicing under UToledo Health. Haller and Kennedy are associate professors of medicine at the UToledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences, where they have established themselves as leaders in the exploration of how exposure to algal toxins affects the human body.
Duggan, Haller and Kennedy will discuss what is and is not yet known about the health impacts of harmful algal blooms and how attendees can contribute to advancing relevant research through the Great Lakes Aerosol Monitoring Research Study.
Thursday, March 27 at 7 p.m. at The UToledo Lake Erie Center, 6200 Bay Shore Road in Oregon.
ProMedica offers community events in March
SYLVANIA – The ProMedica Stroke Support Group will be meeting and discussing finding appropriate footwear with Dave’s Running. The support group will take place at the ProMedica Flower Hospital Conference Center (5200 Harroun Rd., Sylvania, OH 43560) beginning at 4:30 p.m. Stroke survivors, caregivers and supporters are all encouraged to attend. No registration is required.
March 27: 4:30 p.m. (Stroke Support Group)
Vietnam War Veterans Day anniversary celebrated in Toledo
TOLEDO – The Vietnam War Veterans Day – 50th Anniversary Commemoration will be celebrated at the Toledo VA clinic.
There will be a Vietnam veteran commemoration pinning, and the special guest is U.S. Army Col. Alan Boyer (Ret.). Colonel Boyer, originally from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Infantry in 1996 from West Point. His service includes deployments in OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom), OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom), and serving as Brigade Commander of the 1/101st Regionally Aligned Force, Africa. He retired after 27 years of service.
Breakfast and light refreshments will be provided.
Friday, March 28 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the VA Clinic at 1200 S. Detroit
TARTA Adds Lourdes To Muddy Shuttle Lineup for 2025
The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority’s Muddy Shuttle will connect baseball
fans with Toledo’s team again in 2025.
TARTA’s Muddy Shuttle will bring Mud Hens fans directly to the game from five area
park-and-ride locations for 17 games this season, including Opening Day against the Columbus Clippers. In addition to the new stop at Lourdes, $3 round-trip rides to and from the game will be available by parking at:
Miracle Mile Shopping Center, 1727 West Laskey Road
Maumee, Lucas County Recreation Center, 2901 Key Street
Waterville, Kroger, 8730 Waterville Swanton Road
Oregon, Starr Elementary School, 3230 Starr Avenue
The Shuttle will run on Opening Day and for every Friday and Saturday home game
after Memorial Day. It will take off from park-and-ride locations one hour before first
pitch and will depart Fifth Third Field 20 minutes after the game or postgame
March 28: Mud Hens Opening Day | Game starts at 4:05 p.m.
Piano Series returns with inaugural youth competition
TOLEDO – The University of Toledo’s Dorothy MacKenzie Price Piano Series returns this weekend with the debut of a new piano competition for young musicians and a free, public master class and recital by the celebrated Lomazov/Rackers Piano Duo.
The inaugural competition is intended to provide valuable performance opportunities and financial assistance to help further students’ musical education. The top performer will win a scholarship from the UToledo Department of Music, among other opportunities.
Six pianists between the ages of 12 and 17 will perform in the free, public final round of the competition at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Center for Performing Arts Recital Hall.
Lomazov and Rackers will serve as guest judges for the competition.
Saturday visitor parking requires payment through the ParkMobile app, a parking meter or a daily permit via ParkUToledo. Sunday visitor parking is free in Lot 12, excluding disability, metered and reserved spaces. Visit the ParkUToledo website for more information.
For more information, go to the Department of Music website.
The master class begins at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 29, and the recital begins at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 30, in the Center for Performing Arts Recital Hall.
Hancock Historical Museum features Beatrix Potter tea time
FINDLAY – Limited tickets remain for the Hancock Historical Museum’s Beatrix Potter Tea, sponsored by Zonta Club of Findlay. The museum will present a proper Victorian tea party designed for children ages 5-12 with an accompanying adult.
Highlighting the period of English writer and illustrator Beatrix Potter, guests will learn the history of The Tale of Peter Rabbit! and proper Victorian tea party etiquette while enjoying tea, treats and activities. Guests are encouraged to bring their favorite doll and come dressed for the occasion. The tea will include themed gifts, crafts and refreshments curated by the Victorian Ladies, a group of volunteers dedicated to the Hancock Historical Museum’s enriching opportunities and educational experiences.
The Children’s Victorian Tea is $30 for Hancock Historical Museum members and $35 for non-members. One ticket grants admission for one child and an accompanying adult. Space is limited. Reservations and payment are required no later than Wednesday, March 26.
Saturday, March 29 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. | To make a reservation, visit HancockHistoricalMuseum.org or call 419-423-4433.
Metroparks Toledo levy campaign officially kicks off
The public is invited to attend a special kickoff event to launch the levy campaign effort and get everything you need to hit the ground running.
Grab a cup of coffee, snag a doughnut (or a croissant if you’re feeling fancy), and connect with fellow ambassadors as we gear up for the campaign. Key details will be shared about the levy, materials will be distributed, and presenters will outline the best ways you can help make an impact.
March 29 at 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. (Remarks at 10:00) at the Wildwood Ward Pavilion.
Society of Northwest Ohio observes Eid ul Fitr prayer
HOLLAND – The Islamic Society will be observing Eid ul Fitr prayer (Culmination of Ramadan) service at the Islamic Society of Northwest Ohio at 850 South McCord, Holland.
In respect of the victims of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, festivities will be limited. The media is welcome to join us.
Sunday, March 30 at 10 a.m.
Democracy and Public Policy Research Network at BGSU to host first leadership luncheon with former Ohio governors
BOWLING GREEN – The Democracy and Public Policy Research Network in the Department of Political Science at Bowling Green State University will host its first-ever leadership luncheon with former Ohio Governors Richard Celeste and Bob Taft.
Open to the learning and greater community with registration required, the free event will feature a bipartisan conversation with Celeste and Taft, highlighting the important role leadership and civility can play during challenging times and the value of robust, civic dialogue when conflicts arise.
The inaugural luncheon advances the network’s mission of promoting civic literacy through research, discussions and events that foster deeper understanding of the importance of community engagement.
For more information and to register, visit BGSU.edu/DEPOluncheon. Registration closes on March 25.
April 1 at 11 a.m. in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom at the Bowen-Thompson Student Union.
Smiles From the Heart event offers free dental care
SYLVANIA – There is an increasing number of people without dental insurance or other means to get the dentistry they need, so Dental Excellence of Sylvania is offering a day of FREE DENTAL CARE.
Service is available to the first 50 patients to register by noon. Patients will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis (no early registration), and may choose ONE of the following treatments: Cleaning, filling OR extraction.
These will be the only services provided on this day and patients will be served on a first-come-first-served basis according to these services. Early registration is not available. Patients who come that morning may anticipate a line and are encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather. Extractions do not include impacted wisdom teeth.
The dental office encourages anyone you know who may be in need of this service.
Friday, April 4. Registration starts at 7:45 a.m. at Dental Excellence of Sylvania at 5660 Monroe Street.
Presentation equips believers to share gospel with Jewish people
TOLEDO – The Church at Lion of Judah invites you to a powerful teaching event focused on equipping believers to share the Gospel with Jewish people, rooted in the biblical truths of Romans 9. The presentation is by Brian Crawford, of Chosen People Ministries.
This event is free and open to the public, welcoming both Christians and members of the Jewish community. A love offering will be received.
For more information, contact Pastor Matthew Hartman at 419-474-2328 or info@lionofjudahtoledo.org.
Friday, April 4 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 5 at 1 p.m. at 5732 Douglas Rd.
20th Annual TPS Chess Tournament open 3rd – 12th grades
TOLEDO – You don’t have to be a member of an active chess club, chess team or coach in order to participate in the TPS Chess Tournament – you just have to enjoy the challenge of chess.
You can register as an individual or a team of three or more members. All area students may enter. Trophies awarded to individuals in 1st and 2nd place by grade level; and teams comprised of four players: Grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12.
Saturday, April 5 at Jones Leadership Academy. Check-in/Registration is from 9-9:45 a.m. Tournament begins at 10 a.m. There is a $5 entrance fee payable at the door. For questions, email here.
Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity Restore celebrates Earth Day
MAUMEE – Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity ReStore announced the return of its annual Earth Day event – ReStore the Earth.
The event is now at a new and bigger location, and open to the public. Sponsored by AIM Ecycling, ReStore the Earth gives the community an opportunity to donate reusable items to divert them from landfills.
- Paper shredding
- Cardboard recycling
- Styrofoam recycling (#6 label only)
- Electronic recycling (including CRT or tube televisions and LCD/flat-screen
Tire recycling (up to 4 tires)
- Schedule on-site above pool recycling
- Desks and desk chairs
- Additional furniture drop-off at MVHFH ReStore (1310 Conant St)
- Fee Recycling (small cost): Latex paint recycling ($2 per gallon)
Saturday, April 12 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at 1360 Conant Street, Maumee (Calvary Church)