Toledo Free Press was recently approached by the organizers of the Northwest Ohio Conservative Coalition, which comprises the Children of Liberty, Perrysburg Patriots, Back to Basics and We By For. TFP has covered the group since its inception, with collaborations and contributions from Scott and Anna Allegrini, Thomas Berry, Robert Densic and others.

Anna recently proposed a pre-election “point/counterpoint” feature that would allow the conservative group and a liberal writer to explore election-year topics.

“In the tradition of Toledo Free Press being balanced, what if you offered a question or policy position for each week,” wrote Anna Allegrini. “The answer then would be given by two writers in their own philosophy and principle, thereby offering points for a voter to ponder before going to the polls in November. This would provide a stark contrast … and a personal one that moves beyond the political rhetoric and sound bites of the politicians and offers a local perspective from citizenry on both sides.”

Anna’s proposal led to a spirited email discussion about the definitions of conservatism, the role of local media and how such a series could educate voters.

As Densic offered, “This is the heart of the Tea Party movement. We have those who apply their talent and passion toward changing the bodies holding elected office, and we have those who apply their talent and passion to changing the hearts and minds of their fellow citizens. As it is obvious Scott, Anna and I are in the ퟀ�?change the hearts and minds’ long-term camp, we welcome the debate. We will be silent no more. We will rise up and talk about those founding principles of our nation. Why we have a Constitution.  Why we should learn from our history and the history of nations throughout time. Why we need to relearn and return back to the basic principles that made our nation great.”

There was really no question as to whom TFP would turn to take up the liberal side of the debate. Longtime TFP columnist Don Burnard has been silent for a while, but he has agreed to return to the debate and offer a contrasting viewpoint to the election’s most pressing issues. Readers should expect his no-holds-barred writing to more than rise to the challenge.

Toledo Free Press has always kept its opinion pages open to all points of view, and this new feature will provide intelligent, thought-provoking and civil commentary. Watch for its debut.


Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Contact him at

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Thomas F. Pounds
Thomas F. Pounds was president and publisher of Toledo Free Press. He can be reached at