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Pause and ponder with singer-songwriter Peter Mulvey

TOLEDOPeter Mulvey doesn’t want to win arguments; he just wants to tell stories that make people pause and ponder. And laugh.

There’s no end to the stories Mulvey can tell, from space travel and the environment to religion and social justice.

The singer-songwriter, who will be in concert Jan. 18 at the Flamb-OYE-nce Community House in Toledo’s Old West End, is a deep thinker and keen observer who holds a mirror up to society. That mirror helps people see the world – sometimes even the universe – from a different perspective.

“That’s it. That’s all I care about,” said Mulvey. “Let’s get in a room. I’ll sing some songs, I’ll tell some jokes, and we’ll all be together paying attention to the same thing – and that thing is not me. It’s the condition I’m trying to hold that mirror up to. That’s the thing we’re all here to contemplate.”

Take the latest developments in space technology, for example. What does the public think when they watch a rocket launch by Blue Origin, the company created by Amazon’s billionaire founder Jeff Bezos?

Chances are they don’t see the event the same way Mulvey does.

“Jeff Bezos could have paid everyone who ever worked for him a living wage and still been rich enough to buy a rocket ship,” Mulvey sings in his song A**hole in Space (Solo Mission).

“But no, he didn’t. He objectively didn’t. We should have moved the world before he came back down … we were too busy ordering a tripod with Prime delivery,” he complained.

This writer confessed a twinge of guilt to Mulvey that an Amazon Prime delivery had just arrived at his doorstep as the interview began.

“You know, I use Amazon,” Mulvey replied. “I do. It’s an incredible convenience. And it’s also hollowing out our world. And that strikes me as pretty much all of the 21st century. And most of the 20th.”

Peter Mulvey is a storyteller with a guitar. (Courtesy Photo/Elizabeth Witt)

He’s not against technology, not by a longshot. Mulvey has been an avid supporter for decades of the National Youth Science Camp, and gave a hugely popular TEDx Talk titled Vlad the Astrophysicist about life beyond planet earth.

“Yes, things are messed up. And yet things are also amazing,” he said. “Hepatitis C was fatal back in 2010, and it’s not fatal anymore.”

Mulvey grew up Catholic, and although he has parted ways with that church, he remains a person of faith and thinks going to church is a good thing.

Religion has done immense harm on earth, and it also has done immense good on earth. Just getting out of your house and getting together with your fellow humans to think about things in a public place on a weekly basis, that’s an incredibly valuable thing. And now that the church is in decline, we’ve lost that baby with the bathwater, right?

Peter Mulvey

“I always watched the New Atheists, you know, guys like Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins. God, they are just rude and combative. I mean, I get it. You’re in Toledo, right?” he asked.

“It’s winter time right now. And there’s a kid on the street because they’re gay or trans, and their religious parents have thrown them out of the house right now, within two miles of you, where you sit, and me where I sit. That’s going on. So I absolutely get it that religion needs to have a collision with modernity. But man, those New Atheists are just assholes.”

Mulvey doesn’t hope to resolve debates about religion, but he doesn’t hesitate to promote discussions on hot-button issues.

“I feel like we’re having this family squabble between science and religion, between the right and the left, between men and women, between, you know, country mouse and city mouse,” Mulvey said. “And I’m just more interested in telling stories about the way these things exist together than I am about winning arguments. That’s probably all of my work. I hope that’s all of my work.”

One of Mulvey’s most well-known songs is Take Down Your Flag, a heartfelt plea to lower the Confederate flag at the capitol building in South Carolina after the mass shooting at a Charleston church in 2015. The song has been covered by many artists, including Ani DiFranco, Keb’ Mo’, Jeff Daniels and Peter Yarrow.

“I wrote it in like six minutes, but in some ways it also took 44 years to write that song,” he said.

The song goes back to his childhood, growing up on the gritty northwest side of Milwaukee, where he felt like an outsider and bonded with another local outsider, Pamela Means.

“Neither of us fit in because she’s not black enough; she’s biracial and she’s queer. And I was an outsider because I was one of the only white people on the playground. We’re just good friends, and we’ve been talking about race and America since we were teens, specifically this black and white thing in America which, you know, is America’s biggest hang-up,” he said.

Mulvey was devastated watching news reports on TV after the June 17, 2015 shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in which an avowed white racist opened fire during a Bible study at the predominantly Black church, killing nine people and injuring one.

“The thing I couldn’t handle was one of the victims was 87 years old. How on earth? So I sort of wrote the song in a rush and I think it hit a nerve. I didn’t mean for it to be particularly political. It’s just that I couldn’t stand the thought.

“And that song just came tumbling out, and a lot of people decided that they wanted to cover that song, and I’m glad they did. And mostly we were white liberals trying to make sense of our view of things. I mean, we’re all human beings trying to make sense. But I should also point out that Bree Newsome, about eight days later, climbed that flagpole and just took the damn thing down. Hats off to her. Some people consider me an activist, and maybe I am, but not compared to Bree Newsome.”

Peter Mulvey said his song about the 2015 mass shooting at a Charleston, S.C., church took six minutes to write, but “in some ways it also took 44 years to write that song.” (Courtesy Photo/Elizabeth Witt)

While Mulvey has always cared about the world and the people in it, his priorities changed three years ago when he became a father for the first time.

“I’m suddenly deeply concerned about 2074. That’s when this guy [his son] will be 53 years old –  and I’ll be dead or I’ll be 105; those are my choices. But all of a sudden, this whole landscape opens up of things that are very concerning for you.

“And not just for your own sake. All parents experience that shift where you suddenly are demoted from the main character of your life to a supporting role – for at least 18 years, and probably for the rest of your life if you have any grasp on what’s important,” Mulvey said, adding with a laugh: “I’ve been complaining to the management about it.”

Mulvey, who lives in the Pioneer Valley in Western Massachusetts, has released 19 albums in his career, including a retrospective that came out last year.

“I’m working right now on a new record. It’s going to be a duet record with an artist from Woodstock; her name is Jenna Nicholls, and she’s a tremendous singer and arranger. And we have in common a bunch of Tin Pan Alley tunes that we love, you know, (Duke) Ellington and Hoagy Carmichael tunes.”

Mulvey and Nicholls are collaborating on the new songs that carry the torch of Tin Pan Alley and the Great American Songbook.

“We pour our own musicality into those Jell-O molds,” he said.

Mulvey, whose music is a uniquely personal blend of folk, rock and jazz, plans to record an album of folk songs someday.

“One fine day I’ll make a record of folk songs because I’ve been called a folk singer my whole life, and I’m really not. Although I like folk songs and I certainly sing folk songs, but I’m not a folk singer, and one day I think I’ll make a record of folk songs just to sort of settle my own obstinacy.”

Meanwhile, Mulvey looks forward to performing in Toledo and going on tour across the country, but only for three or four days at a time so he can spend more time at home with his wife and young son.

“I’m sure that what I do is corny from many angles, and I’m sure that what I do is unintelligible from some angles,” he said. “Or, you know, maybe someone will consider what I do too obscure, and someone else will consider it too obvious. But I’m old enough now, we’re like, you know what, I do this thing, and I’m glad that I’m able to reach some audiences.”

Peter Mulvey performs at 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at the Flamb-OYE-nce Community House, 2492 Scottwood Ave., Toledo. For more information go to overyonderconcerthouse.com or email overyonderconcerthouse@gmail.com
David Yonke
David Yonke
David Yonke is the Beautiful Noise columnist for the Toledo Free Press. He is retired from his career as a full-time journalist in 2013. He lives in Perrysburg and continues to write and edit. Contact him at davidyonke@gmail.com

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