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Steven J Athanas: The Artist

A Box of #2 Pencils Runs Amok, by Steven J Athanas

Art exhibition celebrates everyday inspiration, creativity

Review by Kelly McGilvery | Artwork by Steven J Athanas

Steven J. Athanas.

TOLEDO – Steven J Athanas is an eminence grise in Toledo’s arts and culture community – though he is primarily known as a musician/frontman, he is also a writer, poet and a visual artist.

“I’ve kind of hung up my rock-and-roll shoes and put my energies into my visual art, which is … there’s a certain irony in it,” he said. “My dad is probably upstairs laughing. You know, I go from one high paying career as a musician to a visual artist. He must think I must have bumped my head.”

Life After Life, the new exhibition of his works in mixed media, is a riot of color and words. The show mixes pop culture and high art with a playful, poetic, handwrought sensibility.

Life After Life runs through Oct. 18 at the University of Toledo Carlson Library. Library hours are Monday-Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to midnight; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.;  and Sunday 1-8 p.m. 

The majority of the works on paper in this show are created with Micron pens, watercolors and colored pencils, with a dab of nail polish or coffee, when needed. Poems, plays on words and illustrations mix together to build a testament to the joy of following everyday inspiration where it takes you in a sketchbook.

Fig. 23F: Manet’s Mayonnaise (Steven J Athanas)

A good portion of this exhibition is from a series Athanas calls Bad Homophones, but are rather quite good homophones. The best example is Fig. 23F: Manet’s Mayonnaise, in which the women from the Edouard Manet painting Olympia are shown on the label for a jar of mayonnaise. The homophone series gives the sense of being pleasantly ensnared in a cryptic crossword. The numbered and lettered titles beg the question, “What is the imaginary encyclopedic compendium from which these illustrations are drawn?”

Athanas’ playful spirit is highlighted even in the titles of his works, which evoke worlds with just a few words. The Chicken Juggler is an illustrated 10-verse rhyming poem about a boy who taught himself how to juggle chickens. You’ll not find a finer 360-degree rendering of airborne chickens anywhere. If Tinkertoy made a living, breathing alphabet, it might look just like Athanas’ penmanship. 

A personal favorite in the exhibition is the whimsical illustration, A Box of #2 Pencils Runs Amok, which delivers exactly what it promises – an exploration of the many moods and directions of a series of pencils. The standard materials for the piece – Micron pen, watercolors, colored pencil – are supplemented with splotches of coffee.

The Chicken Juggler (Steven J Athanas)
Fig. 13A: Mr. Rogers Floats Barefoot Through Space. (Steven J Athanas)

One wonders about the genesis of the nonsensical Fig. 13A: Mr. Rogers Floats Barefoot Through Space. Mad Libs, names in a hat, or merely an affirmation that something funny can result from a few stray words pulled together in a sketchbook? 

Life After Life is not just fun and games, as several very thoughtful pieces consider legacy, aging and loneliness, including the title poem, which quietly prods us all to call our parents while we still can.

The show’s illustrations are supplemented by several of Athanas’ excellent Calder-esque hand-formed wire sculptures adorned with ceramics and colored tissue paper. 

“I’m always trying to explore new ideas. I don’t want to be pigeonholed. You know, some people have told me, ‘How can you work with so many different mediums?’ If it didn’t work, I wouldn’t keep doing it,” said Athanas.

For more work by Athanas for the Toledo Free Press, see his Plight of a Homewrecker column and his editorial illustrations in these very pages for an idea of the breadth of his modes of expression.

Daily Dose | The Humorists


Cartoon by Steven J Athanas for the Toledo Free Press.

Daily Dose | The Humorists


Cartoon by Jerry King for the Toledo Free Press.

TPS calls for hurricane relief donations

Photo by Pixabay

Toledo Public Schools is lending a hand to the hurricane relief effort by accepting donations of the following items: bottled water, contractor trash bags, cleaning supplies and toiletries. No cash donations are being accepted.

You can bring these items today, Wednesday and Thursday to two drop-off locations:

  1. Toledo Pre-Medical and Health Science Academy, 3301 Upton Ave. (Door 12 entrance).
    Drop off between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.
  2. TPS Administration Building, N. 1609 Summit St. (main entrance).
    Drop off between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Q&A with Lucille’s Jazz Lounge’s Will Lucas

Will Lucas, owner of Lucille's Jazz Lounge. (Courtesy Photo/Creadio)

TOLEDO – Will Lucas, owner of Lucille’s Jazz Lounge, Earth coffeehouse and TolHouse private membership club, all located at 1447 N. Summit St., was interviewed for the Toledo Free Press as a companion article to the story “Jazzing it Up,” which features local legend Gene Parker.

Dave Yonke: How did Lucille’s Jazz Lounge get its start? Was it your idea, suggested by someone, or a group collaboration?

When I first walked through the building that would become TolHouse, it was clear to me — a jazz club needed to be here. It wasn’t just an idea; it was a vision. The feeling I got walking through those halls instantly brought back memories of the times I spent at Rusty’s Jazz Cafe. That feeling of warmth, creativity, and community — it was something I missed, and I knew Toledo needed it back. Lucille’s was born out of that desire to reawaken the spirit of jazz in the city.

Why is it named Lucille’s?

The name of the club wasn’t overthought. It’s the name of B.B. King’s famous guitar, two famous songs — one by Little Richard another by Kenny Rogers — and it’s also my wife Angela’s middle name, my youngest’s middle name, my wife’s grandmother’s first name. It sounded to my wife and I like a great name for a jazz and blues club, so that’s why we ran with it.

Will Lucas, center, chats with his wife Angela Lucas and piano tuner Jim Gottron. (Courtesy Photo/Doug Hinebaugh)

How much time and effort did it take to get the club open?

A lot of time, effort and heart went into it — but when I look back, every challenge was a steppingstone that led us exactly where we needed to be. Along the way, I connected with incredible people like Doug Swiatecki, a local jazz historian, who introduced me to Jim Gottron, a legendary piano tuner who’s worked with the greats. From Jim, I got the piano from Murphy’s Place — Claude Black’s prized piano — which now lives on our stage at Lucille’s. The piano from Rusty’s Jazz Cafe is also here, and we’ve got big plans for that one, too. It feels like these instruments have stories to tell, and Lucille’s is where those stories come to life.

Lucille’s Jazz Lounge started in 2021. Did the pandemic impact your plans or delay the opening?

The pandemic didn’t interrupt our opening. I try to take the attitude that things happen for me, not to me, and the timing of our opening was such that people were just starting to get back outside and wanted to enjoy live music again.

Were Rusty’s Jazz Café and Murphy’s Place an inspiration in any way for Lucille’s

Absolutely. Rusty’s and Murphy’s Place were instrumental in the vision for Lucille’s. Those places held the soul of jazz in Toledo, and I hope I can continue to do those legacies justice here at Lucille’s.

How many shows a month do you host now, and what would be the optimal number?

Our season runs from September to around March. Warmer months are harder to get people in the doors, and that’s a lesson we learned the hard way. Now, we only do shows in the summer that are as close to guaranteed winners as possible. In cooler months, we work to put on up to three performances. As the market for live jazz and blues matures locally, I’d love to have music in there as close to every night of the week as possible. Right now, we’re just not there yet.

You’ve been bringing in some well-known regional and national acts for weekend concerts. How do you select the performers, and what genres are you open to for concerts?

It’s all about the vibe. Lucille’s is a jazz and blues club, but more importantly, we’re a listening room. When an artist steps on that stage, it’s not just about entertainment — it’s about connection. The audience isn’t here to talk over the music; they’re here to experience it. That’s a rare and special thing, and artists appreciate that. Because I’ve been in the music and radio scene for years, I know Toledo can be tough for introducing new talent. So, we focus on artists who have already proven themselves in nearby markets, ensuring that every performance resonates with our audience.

When did you start hosting the Tuesday night sessions? How are those weeknight shows working out?

Tuesday night SESSIONS with Gene Parker and Damen Cook started earlier this year, and it’s been steadily growing. It’s still in its early stages, but I’m optimistic it will become a cornerstone of our weekly lineup. What’s great about Tuesdays is that it’s more casual — you don’t need a ticket, just come on in and experience the music. Lucille’s is open to the public.

Are you personally a musician or singer?

Music has always been a part of my life. I’ve been playing drums since I was 10, starting out in the church. Then I went into songwriting.

Who are some of your favorite jazz artists, or artists in any musical style?

My tastes span the spectrum. I listen to everything from Muddy Waters and Miles Davis, to J. Dilla and Nipsey Hussle, and even Mumford and Sons.

What is the maximum seating/standing capacity for a concert at the jazz club?

Lucille’s seats 72, which gives it this intimate, up-close feel. Every seat is a good seat.

How would you describe the vision for Lucille’s (and of TolHouse)?

TolHouse is a private social club designed for Toledo’s creative and entrepreneurial class. Not everything here is members only, however. Earth, our coffeehouse, is open to the public and so is Lucille’s. Earth is a beautiful coffeehouse, more than 150 plants, and more natural light than just about anywhere in the city. Lucille’s is Toledo’s first and only dedicated jazz and blues club in more than a decade, and we host some remarkable acts.

Daily Dose | The Humorists

Editorial cartoon by Don Lee for the Toledo Free Press.

Editorial cartoon by Don Lee for the Toledo Free Press.

TTA hosts Manufacturing Day

Ryan Klar teaches students about high-quality elevator components and tools made at Wurtec, a Toledo company, during Manufacturing Day at the Toledo Technology Academy of Engineering in Toledo on Friday.

Local companies tout their products, services to engineering students

Story and photos by Lori King

TOLEDO – Students of Toledo Technology Academy of Engineering got a sneak peek into their possible futures during its annual Manufacturing Day on Friday.

The school’s library turned into a trade show for a few hours as 15 local companies set up booths to showcase their tools of the trade and recruit young talent.

8th grader Max Braun wears a virtual reality headset supplied by CIFT. CIFT (Center for Innovative Food Technology) is a nonprofit that delivers solutions and supports innovation through direct services.
9th grader Zander McCain writes an engineering program on a computer, displayed at the Willis Machinery & Tools booth.

Manufacturing Day, sponsored by the Northwest Ohio Manufacturing Alliance and the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce (TRCC), gave students hands-on experience with engineering innovations, provided them with an opportunity to learn about open positions and internships, and put them through mock interviews.

“I’m here today to teach the kids about safety in a manufacturing plant,” said Jamie Radel as she observed students interacting on a display board that tested various ways fire extinguishers are used to put out fires.

Radel, human resources manager for Maumee Assembly & Stamping, said it was the third year her company attended Manufacturing Day. This year they chose to highlight a new position of safety manager, who oversees safety issues like PPE (personal protective equipment) and fire safety.

Kelly Castillo, safety assistant at Maumee Assembly & Stamping, watches 9th grader Alex Willoughby play a game to learn about different fire extinguishers.

After playing with the fire extinguisher board, Alex Willoughby, wearing a CLIFFS yellow hard hat, took a moment to share what he was learning.

“I was just learning about how these people make diapers for adults, and something interesting about that is they use colors for specific issues,” he said. “I also learned about creating electrical car parts, like gears. I think it’d be really cool to work on electrical cars. This is a really cool experience here.”

Toledo Public Schools superintendent Dr. Romules Durant mingled with students before joining representatives from the TRCC and GM’s Toledo Propulsion Systems (Powertrain) for remarks about the importance of Manufacturing Day, which was designed to get students interested in manufacturing and engineering-related careers.

Students build a replica scale model of a furnace tower at the Cleveland-Cliffs Toledo Direct Reduction Plant.
Addison Bishop, of IMCO Carbide Tool Inc. in Perrysurg, shows students advanced cutting tool technologies.
Joseph Denton smells a jar of corn-based, high-protein animal feed manufactured at the Andersons in Maumee.

Daily Dose | The Humorists

Cartoon by Steven J Athanas for the Toledo Free Press.

Mural & Arts Fest debuts

Local spectators discuss the artwork displayed in the River East Gallery.

River East Gallery owners bring color to East Side at first art fest

Story and photos by Au’Ree Antoinette

TOLEDO – River East Gallery owners Chris “Chilly” Rodriguez, Conor “Con-Tron” Degnan and Luke Stoeckley made history Sept. 28 when they hosted their first Mural & Arts Festival in East Toledo.

The corner of 6th and Main streets was transformed into a hub of artistic expression as hundreds of attendees gathered to witness over 50 murals come to life.

Rodriguez shared the inspiration behind the event, reflecting on a journey he and his colleagues took in 2020.

Locals painter Charity “Artsy Wolf” Lockard discusses her piece of work to local photographer James “dirtykics” Dickerson.
Grafitti artist “Teeth” creates a signature mural facing a nearby East Toledo neighborhood.

“During COVID, Conor, Luke and I took a cross-country trip together. We got to experience the art scenes and districts in other big cities,” Rodriguez explained. “When I got back home, I realized one of the things I was supposed to learn [from that trip] was how to bring that energy here and help it [our own art scene] grow.”

One year after that trip, Rodriguez and Degnan secured their current space at 601 Main St. in December 2021. What once stood as a rundown tattoo shop was transformed during the winter of 2021-2022 into the vibrant River East Gallery.

The inaugural festival showcased nearly 60 artists, including around 25 muralists and 30 graffiti artists. The event attracted talent from across the country, including Toledo native Campo Graphic, who now resides in Portland, Oregon. Local artists like Teeth, Con-Tron, Michael Osborne, Abigail Bruce, and Mia Otto were also among those featured.

For many local art enthusiasts, the festival was a nostalgic reminder of past community events. Local spectator Brad Scherzer recalled, “This is the first art festival like this since the Main Event on Starr Avenue back in 2014.”

The overnight transformation and energy of the neighborhood left the city eager for more, with many already asking when the next mural festival would take place.

Rodriguez is enthusiastic about the future of the festival, stating, “This was just to show everyone the potential of an event like this. I have big plans to do it again next year.”

As Toledo’s art scene continues to grow, Rodriguez expressed his gratitude. “There’s something special and magical going on right now [in the Toledo art scene], and I’m very grateful to be a part of it.”

Columbus graffiti artist “Image” puts the finishing touches on a collaborative mural that spanned across several feet.
Festival attendees and art lovers Brad Scherzer and Lindsay Williams admire the local work displayed in the River East Gallery.
Family of the muralist Campo Graphic stands in front of a mural of late Gary Fields, father of Campo.

Daily Dose | The Humorists

Cartoon by Jerry King for the Toledo Free Press.

Cartoon by Jerry King for the Toledo Free Press.