The sounds of owls
Owls make their presence eerily known in the forest
WHITEHOUSE – As leaves flutter to the ground and late fall takes hold, the canopy opens up and sounds carry better through the woods.
It’s time for owls to rule the light sounds.
Now is when owls make their presence known, perhaps inspired by the shorter days, the inevitable onset of winter, and the priority to claim prime hunting territories. These fascinating creatures of the night seem to enjoy the longer hours of darkness.
Our most common owls are the great-horned, barred and the diminutive screech owl. The screech owl (image above captured at the Blue Creek Metropark) stands only about 8-9 inches tall with a wingspan of about 20 inches. It may be the smallest of our common owls, but its got a loud and eerie tremelo call that can carry a long way through a leafless forest. It can send chills down the spine of anyone who hears it.
It’s the perfect call for the Halloween season.
Listen to the distinctive sounds of owls:
The Fish are back!

Walleye victorious in front of sold out crowd
Story and photos by Kyle Brown
TOLEDO – Skates hitting the ice is a sound to be heard and celebrated. Add cowbells, loud chants and a goal horn, and you’ll find yourself in the makings of a good night.
That’s exactly what fans got when they attended the season opener for the Toledo Walleye hockey club this past weekend. “Let’s go Walleye!” chants flooded the streets and inside the Huntington Center as fans arrived for the game against the Wheeling Nailers. The Walleye won Friday night’s game 3-2.

Fans were able to get the party started Friday night at Hensville, where a free pre-party kicked off at 4 p.m. Fleetwood’s Tap Room had pregame food and drinks, an inflatable Spike Tunnel and an outdoor hockey rink.
I came across a group of rabid fans many Walleye fans have come to appreciate. The Walleye Mania is a group of men who’ve been going to games dressed as characters since 2019. One of the characters stated, “It’s a lot of fun. When you are a normal person, you stand out and get a little shy. Put a mask on, and it takes away your embarrassment.

“We’ve been fans since the Storm days,” one of them said. When asked about the expectations Toledo may have getting into the playoffs, the group replied in unison, “The Kelly Cup! We want that cup! We are always the bride’s maid, never the bride.”
If you see these characters roaming the streets before or at a game, go say hi. They are just as much a part of the fan experience as everything else. The group even donates their time in the summer for the Andrew Gulch Memorial Golf Outing, an event to raise money and awareness for Muscular Dystrophy. Walleye players, past and present, help out and play in the outing.
When 6 p.m. rolled around Friday, fans began making their way to the entrance gates of the Huntington Center.
Upon walking around, I found my way to the Voorhees family, out of Republic, Ohio. Melissa and Jason Voorhees explained how they became fans, stating, “We became fans right before covid, so four or five years … just to get out of the house and try new experiences … and we got hooked.”
One of the things the Walleye do very well is their promotions. The staff finds ways each year to make it bigger and better. Melissa Voorhees commented that she’d “really like to catch a teddy bear during toss night.”

I turned my attention to two kids sitting with them, Jensen Voorhees and Colt Stockmaster. When asked who their favorite players were, they admitted that “they are all gone now, except for Hawk (Brandon Hawkins).”
Fans had to watch opponent Wheeling score two goals before the Walleye struck back and scored on the power play. In response to the power play goal, fans received a free promotion of a Wendy’s Chili.
During an email interview, Troy Hammersmith, director of Events & Fan Entertainment for the Toledo Walleye, said he and his staff start thinking about promotions, like the chili giveaway, ahead of each season.
“The planning process for a new season really begins before the current season ends. We start reviewing how certain themed promotions performed, and begin putting a survey together for fans in spring,” he explained.
When asked how Toledo fans support the team and how the success of fan turnout is for each game, Hammersmith stated, “Toledo has the best fanbase of the ECHL and much of minor league sports. That is something we do not take for granted,” Hammersmith said.

“We are always looking for ways to engage with our fans. Last season, we introduced new in-game elements, like our large cowbell and our large Our Fish, Our Fight banners that fans hold up in the goal zones. This season we are introducing some new technology that allows fans to use their phones to share selfies on the video board and be a part of a pregame light show.”
Staying relevant and researching themes can be an uphill battle. What may be popular today may be obsolete tomorrow.
“Our team follows what other teams in hockey and other sports are doing, as well as with other entertainment venues,” Hammersmith said. “We visit other venues when we can and attend industry conferences. Research is an important part of our decision-making process. We survey fans regularly to gauge their interest and satisfaction in various game elements. We also invest in third-party market research tools to help guide us.”
The Walleye can rest assured they are doing a great job on that, as Friday night was the 35th consecutive home sellout. Fans are coming out to support the hockey club, not only for the team playing, but for the entire fan experience that the Huntington Center provides.
Fans are encouraged to reach out to the Walleye to help voice your opinion on what can be made better. Surveys are sent out throughout the season, as well as the option to talk in person to Walleye staff around the venue during game days.
To view the Walleye's Season schedule.
Ohio Voters Bill of Rights

Ohio Supreme Court removes obstacle to proposed voting rights amendment
(This story was originally published by Signal Cleveland. Sign up for their free newsletters at
By Frank W. Lewis | Signal Cleveland
OHIO – Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost cannot hold up the progress of a proposed amendment – the Ohio Voters Bill of Rights – to the state constitution based on its title, according to a unanimous Ohio Supreme Court decision released on Wednesday.
Backers of the proposed amendment had hoped to get it on the ballot this year. But after Yost rejected their summary language a second time in January, they sued him. They asked the court for an expedited hearing schedule, in order to meet the other deadlines for the 2024 election, but the court declined.
The summary is what supporters of an amendment show to people when they’re gathering signatures on petitions, another step in the process of getting an amendment on the ballot. That’s why state law requires that the summary be a “fair and truthful statement” about the proposed changes to the constitution. The law also gives the attorney general sole discretion over determining that.
But the law does not give the AG power to reject the summary based on its title, the court said in its decision, which devoted several pages to parsing the meanings of “title” and “summary” and whether the relevant law covers both.
“A ‘title’ is not the same thing as a ‘summary,’ and the current statute unambiguously tasks the attorney general with examining only the latter,” the court stated.
Amendment backers didn’t get everything they wanted from Ohio Supreme Court
The court did not order Yost to approve the summary, as backers of the amendment had asked, because it was not clear to the court if Yost had even evaluated it. His rejection letter stated that the title “is sufficient on its own to reject this petition.”
Yost has 10 days to “determine whether the summary is a fair and truthful statement of the proposed amendment, and, if so, certify and forward the submitted petition to the Ohio Ballot Board,” according to the court’s decision.
“The Supreme Court has now answered this question [about titles], which had not before been answered,” Yost said in a statement provided by his office on Wednesday. “My duty is to comply, and I shall. If the legislature intended something different, it is up to them to change the statue.”
The organizations backing the Ohio Voters Bill of Rights — Ohio Organizing Collaborative, Ohio NAACP, the A. Philip Randolph Institute and the Ohio Unity Coalition — had not released a statement at time of publication. When they do, Signal Cleveland will update this article.
What would the Ohio Voters Bill of Rights do?
If passed, the amendment would make significant changes to voting in Ohio:
• Allow unregistered people to register and vote on the same day during the early-voting period or on Election Day.
•Add school-issued photo identification cards to the list of acceptable documents for proving ID.
• Allow people who don’t have a photo ID to vote by signing a “declaration under penalty of perjury attesting to their identity.”
• Require the state to cover the cost of postage for mail-in balloting and to create a system for tracking mail-in ballot applications and ballots so that voters can be notified if they’ve made a mistake in time to correct it.
• Permanently establish the days and hours for early voting but also allow counties to offer more hours and multiple locations and as many 24-hour secure drop boxes as they deem necessary.
The amendment would also remove a section added in 1851 that states: “No idiot, or insane persons, shall be entitled to the privileges of an elector.”
(Signal Statewide is a nonprofit news organization covering government, education, health, economy and public safety.)
Ohio Issue 1 explained
Geographic district boundary selection on the ballot
OHIO – You might know who your congressional representative or state legislator is, but do you know how your community gets assigned to its district?
The process of who makes those decisions is the focus of Ohio Issue 1, a state-wide ballot issue that will determine who draws the geographic district boundaries for future elections.
The Citizens Not Politicians committee urges a yes vote on Ohio Issue 1, while the Ohio Works committee urges a no vote.
What does redistricting mean?
The taking of the census every 10 years begins a timeline by which population trends are vetted and district boundaries are reconsidered for the House of Representative seats. The House is currently at 435 members, and Ohio has 15 of those seats.
In a parallel arrangement, the Ohio legislature has 33 Senate seats and 99 House seats, with census population counts among the factors used to draw the districts.
Redistricting determines who appears on the ballot in specific geographic areas. Voters may be included in an area with shared political opinions, but also might find the opposite. And each time a district boundary is reset, some voters will learn they were placed in a different district for future election cycles.
What does gerrymandering mean?
Ohio’s current political climate trends republican, and many of the statewide officials now in office are of that party. This was not always the case: Ohio’s presidential voting history is actually mixed. In most presidential elections during the past 50 years, the state has voted with whomever was the overall winner.

Regardless of statewide or national voting patterns, the political personality of individual districts depends on who lives in those communities. Accusations of gerrymandering, the intention to provide an unfair advantage to one party over another through district boundaries, have long been part of Ohio politics.
“We started fighting gerrymandering in the 1960s,” said Jen Miller, from the League of Women Voters of Ohio. “Whatever party is in power wants to keep that power.”
Miller said when a district is tilted too much toward one political persuasion, “it makes it nearly impossible to hold politicians accountable.”
Both statewide campaigns claim their respective stance is meant to deter that situation.
How was redistricting handled recently?
The Ohio Redistricting Commission, created in 2015 with seven elected and appointed members, including the state governor and state auditor, was tasked with redrawing districts for Ohio’s legislative seats under rules approved that year by Ohio voters. Another ballot issue in 2018 addressed the congressional seat allocation.
The maps the commission proposed for the state and congressional seats resulted in multiple lawsuits and years of litigation. That commission has disbanded; its last meeting was in fall 2023.
What would Issue 1 do?
The decision before voters in the Nov. 5 election involves who will draw future boundaries and sets limits on court appeals of the maps.
If Ohio Issue 1 is approved, the newly formed commission will have 15 appointees: five republicans, five democrats and five independent voters. Current and former politicians, along with lobbyists, could not serve on the commission.
The selection process includes retired judges interviewing potential candidates and then randomly drawing names from among the finalists.
Support for Issue 1
Citizens Not Politicians is the group in favor of Issue 1, with “end gerrymandering” as its campaign phrase.
“When politicians draw biased voting districts to ensure their own re-election, it’s called gerrymandering, and independent, nonpartisan experts have found that Ohio is one of the most gerrymandered states in America,” the committee’s ballot statement says.

Melissa Portala, of Toledo, is one of the volunteers working on behalf of the Issue 1 campaign, and said the campaign is “a very bipartisan issue,” citing the list of people and organizations who have issued endorsements.
“I think it is time for the voters to pick the politicians instead of the politicians to pick the voters,” Portala said. “This gerrymandering leads to extremism. It’s very difficult to compete.”
When she is speaking to voters, Portala often shows district maps to illustrate her point, explaining that “not doing anything leaves the gerrymandering in place.”
Miller said the League of Women Voters supports Issue 1, just as it supported anti-gerrymandering efforts in the past. She said leaving politicians involved in mapping discussions, as has traditionally been done, results in concerns about fairness and accountability.
“Voters overwhelmingly have supported this amendment,” she added.
The Lucas County Democratic Party has a “Vote yes on Issue 1” message on its website.
Opposition to Issue 1
Ohio Works is the group opposing Issue 1, with “Vote no Issue 1” as its campaign phrase.
“Issue 1 is nothing more than a partisan power grab by elite, out-of-state special interests who want to rig Ohio’s elections and impose gerrymandering into Ohio’s constitution,” its official campaign statement said.

Ohio Rep. Josh Williams, a republican whose District 41 includes part of Lucas County, said his concerns include potential impact on minority representation in the statehouse. He pointed to Michigan’s redistricting efforts as an example: “It resulted in cutting up minority communities in an effort to create more democratic districts,” he said about the Michigan maps.
Williams also opposes Issue 1 because of what he sees as lack of accountability. Since the commission members were not voted in, they can’t be voted out. There also are limits on what the courts can do should a map be challenged.
“It literally removes the jurisdiction of our courts to review maps,” he explained.
Another reason he cited is the emphasis on the two major parties in the plan, with its five republicans and five democrats in the commission. “It disenfranchises independent voters. What about our third party candidates?” he asked.
Racing for Recovery

Personal struggle with addiction inspires race organizer
Story and photos by Au’Ree Antoinette
ROSSFORD – It’s not everyday you see hundreds of people running up and down Superior St. in Rossford before sunrise. But that was the scene on Saturday as more than 500 runners arrived at the intersection of Superior and Osborne to take on Racing for Recovery’s Annual Rockin’ Rossford 5k + 1 mile celebration.
This event attracted runners, spectators and supporters, all uniting in advocacy for recovery from substance abuse disorders.

The Racing for Recovery’s 5k is not merely an athletic event — it’s a powerful symbol of resilience and community in the face of addiction. Established 23 years ago by Todd Crandell, this organization’s mission is rooted in his personal journey to overcome drug and alcohol abuse. After 13 years of abuse, Crandell began to embark on his journey to recovery.
“Racing for recovery was started because I was given a gift and an opportunity to stop using drugs, and then utilize all the good things that were happening in my life in service to other people,” Crandell shared.
Among those good things were Crandell’s 122 successful Ironman races. “Ironman is what led to forming Racing for Recovery” he recounted. As stated in his biography on the Racing for Recovery website, these races laid the foundation for his first intensive out-patient group.

Despite his success story, Crandell acknowledged that the efforts extend far beyond himself. “I may have been the guy to start it, but I could not do it without the Racing to Recovering staff and the city of Rossford; it truly takes a village to do this work.”
One prominent example of the program’s impact is the journey of Adam Custer. “Adam is a success story as well. He came to us, got help, and now he works for us and is like my righthand man. That’s what Racing for Recovery does. Adam and so many of our staff resemble what was in my heart when I created this is 2001.”
Racing for Recovery’s mission is not just about substance abuse recovery; it also emphasizes the importance of embarking on a wellness journey that integrates mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. They aim to help individuals and their families thrive and foster a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.
They offer several services, such as mental health support, addiction counseling, physical wellness activities, nutrition education and spiritual guidance.
They also host a live-streamed support group every Thursday at 5:30 p.m., allowing global access. Those attending in person receive a free plant-based dinner, further supporting the organization’s commitment to holistic well-being.
This race was meaningful to many people, including regular 5k runner and veteran Marine, Jason Portala. “This is my third time [running the race]. My buddy and I, Steve, try to do four to six 5k’s a year. I am a recovering alcoholic. It’s been almost 21 years since I had a drink, so I can definitely support this effort,” said Portala.

Another powerful victory was made as 17-year-old Zander Putman crossed the finish line with his mother, Heather Radosti. Zander has Lennox Gastaut Syndrome, a rare and severe form of epilepsy that has made finishing this race extremely difficult. On Saturday, not only did he complete the walk, he walked the entire time. This accomplishment brought tears of joy to the Putman and Radosti families.
“We usually use the wheelchair to push him through,” said Radosti. “I’ve actually done 100 miles with him, and it started with this race. We’ve done the mile walk before, and he’s had so much trouble – he was even past the cut-off for this the last time we tried it. Seeing him actually get the mile is like the hugest thing because he struggles a lot.”
Portala, reflecting on his journey, offered advice to anyone struggling.
“If you’re struggling with anything, get out and talk to somebody — even if they don’t say anything back. Just saying it and going through the motions will help you tremendously. Working out isn’t just for physical [well-being]; it’s for your mental health and releases that negative energy.”
“If you need services, call us or walk in. We accommodate anybody who needs our help,” Crandell said.
The organization can be reached at 419-824-8462, or by email at For more information, visit their website.
Racing for Recovery’s facility is located at 6202 Trust Dr. in Holland. It's staffed by licensed and educated clinicians who are ready to help people take their first steps toward recovery.
Jill of All Trades

Program inspires young women to pursue skilled trades
PERRYSBURG – Owens Community College hosted more than 80 students from 10 area high schools Thursday for Jill of All Trades, an event that focused on learning about skilled trades.
“We’re excited to provide this chance for young people to explore a future in the skilled trades,” Owens president Dr. Dione D. Somerville said. “With the help of Jill of All Trades, we believe its our mission to expose young people to potential careers and all of the things they could do with a future in the skilled trades.”

Jill of All Trades was started in 2014 in Canada, providing hands-on experiences to young women in grades 9-12, and introducing them to the possibilities of a career in skilled trades. Owens is the only institution in the United States to host the event.
Students were split into 12 groups, with each participating in three different workshops. Held at the Dana Center, Welding Design Center and Transportation Technology buildings on the Toledo-area campus, workshop topics included robotics, welding, CNC/machining, auto service and repair, crane rigging and diesel technology.
Wearing an orange long-sleeved shirt with Jill of All Trades embossed on the front, St. Ursula’s CK Kramer said she was there to “properly explore all of my options before fully committing to something.
“My dad used to take me to the Home Depot building workshops when I was a kid and that made me really like doing stuff with my hands and building things, so that was probably a big influence,” said Kramer.
During the event, she was placed in the Robotic Rebels group, where she learned how to code robots.
She said she learned that coding robots is very difficult but liked working with machines. In one of the workshops, she used a hack saw to cut through aluminum. “I liked that because it was more hands on than the robots.
“It was very fun and I hope they do it again next year,” Kramer said.

The goal of the program was to address the skilled trades workforce needs of the future, an issue Owens is at the forefront of, with its wide variety of programs, certificates and associates degrees.
“High school students and their parents have this idea that you need to spend a lot of money and go to a four-year college, but that’s just not true,” said Owens director of Admissions Erin Kramer.
“We have programs, certificates and two-year programs at Owens that can help young people achieve their dreams and goals for their futures,” she added.
Students began and ended their day at the Center for Fine and Performing Arts, where program sponsors were set up with information about working in the trades.

Sponsors of the event were presenting sponsor Buckeye Broadband, Owens Corning, Magna, Enbridge, Mechanical Contractors Association of Northwest Ohio, Hancock Steel, First Solar, The Andersons, First Energy, Advanced Technology Consultants, Dunbar, Rudolph Libbe Group, Taylor Automotive Family, HIAB, Air Force One, Principle Business Enterprises, Barnes, University of Findlay, A-Gas and Integrated Systems Technologies.
To learn more about the Owens School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, please visit