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TJO hits the high notes

The Toledo Jazz Orchestra, now under the umbrella of the Toledo Association of Performing Arts, performs at the Toledo Museum of Art-Peristyle. (TFP Photo/David Yonke)

Toledo Jazz Orchestra readies to honor Stan Kenton

TOLEDO – A concert featuring the music of the late, legendary big band leader Stan Kenton has been an annual fan favorite for many years for the Toledo Jazz Orchestra.

This year, the jazz band will honor Kenton on Nov. 2 with a concert at the Valentine Theatre titled, Fascinating Rhythm – the Music of Stan Kenton.

“He was a very progressive jazz artist for his time,” said Scott Potter, who plays trumpet with the TJO. “His stuff stands alone; it’s very unique with a lot of high and loud trumpet parts.”

Kenton was born in Wichita, Kansas in 1911 and learned to play the piano as a child. He formed his own big band in 1941 and went on to lead jazz groups with as many as two dozen members.

April Varner, a Toledoan now living in New York City, will be featured in the Toledo Jazz Orchestra’s Christmas concert on Dec. 21. (TFP Photo/David Yonke)

At times, his music was so powerful and pumped with soaring high notes that it overwhelmed some audiences. Kenton had an affinity for Afro-Cuban music and many of his songs were built on propulsive rhythms that utilized the combined power of drums, tympani, bongos, maracas, claves and timbales.

Kenton led his group until he passed away in 1979, but his music continues to inspire jazz musicians and audiences around the world.

Potter said the trumpet parts that Kenton and others wrote for the band “are always interesting and fun to play.”

He said he and other members of the TJO don’t mind taking on a challenge.

“It can take some extra time to learn, but we get the music about three weeks in advance of a concert, so by the time we meet for our first group rehearsal, we are expected to know the music. We’ve definitely played difficult music before. We brought in [trumpeter] Randy Brecker a few years ago and some of the tunes he brought were really, really difficult.”

The TJO is scheduled to present “A Very Jazzy Christmas” on Dec. 21 featuring vocalist April Varner, a Toledo native now living in New York City. Her recently released debut album, April, received high praise from Downbeat magazine, which said “the 27-year-old delivers with plenty of flare, showing off her impressive range.”

Potter said the TJO is planning to go into the studio and record a Christmas album with Varner on vocals.

The group’s 2024-25 season will continue with a tribute to the late Toledo jazz icon Jon Hendricks with “American Songbook 3: The Artistry of Jon Hendricks” on Feb. 1, a concert featuring Miles Davis’s album Porgy and Bess on March 15, and conclude with “An Evening with John Pizzarelli” featuring the nationally known guitarist on April 12.

All the concerts are on Saturdays at either the Valentine Theatre or the Toledo Museum of Art-Peristyle, scheduling that is conducive to drawing big crowds.

Potter, who has been with the TJO for decades, is a lifelong jazz devotee who still practices every day, sometimes spending “hours and hours in the practice room.”

He even brings his trumpet on vacation.

Trumpeter Scott Potter, a longtime member and former president of the Toledo Jazz Orchestra, said he is pleased that the jazz group is now under the umbrella of the Toledo Association for the Performing Arts.

“I remember taking my horn to St. Martin with me because it was two or three weeks before a concert, and while everybody else was laying around the pool, I was in the house practicing my music.”

He also continues to study music theory with local jazz icon and teacher Gene Parker.

The TJO formed in 1979, but after three decades went through a difficult time in regard to administration, organization and funding. The group disbanded around 2010, but Potter said he called saxophonist Mark Lemle – the only original musician still with the TJO – two years later and said, “Why don’t we resurrect the band?”

They brought in Ron Kischuk, a Detroit trombonist and a businessman, as director to help run both the music and administrative duties, and with a small but devoted board of directors, got the group up and running again.

There has always been a strong sense of camaraderie and commitment among the local jazz artists. Potter estimates that about half of the 16-member band has been with the TJO for 25 years or more.

As of July 1, the jazz orchestra is now in the Toledo Alliance for the Performing Arts, which also oversees the Toledo Symphony and the Toledo Ballet. The arrangement frees up the TJO musicians to focus on their music while TAPA takes care of the administrative needs, marketing and promotion, ticketing and the like.

A big plus is that Alain Trudel, music director of the Toledo Symphony, is now the artistic director of the TJO.

“He’s a brilliant, brilliant musician,” Potter said. “The guys in the band just love working under him because he knows his stuff so well. He’s a marvelous player and he’s got ears you wouldn’t believe. So it’s been a good move all around.”

He said he feels good not only about the current state of the Toledo Jazz Orchestra, but that its future looks bright.

“We’ve had our ups and downs but we’ve come out strong. And the TJO has got legs now,” Potter said.

For more information on TAPA and the TJO go to artstoledo.com.

TARTA offers ride to polls


TOLEDO – The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) is offering voters in its coverage area free rides to their polling locations.

A father and son from Monclova, Ohio vote at the Early Voting Center on Friday. TARTA is offering free rides to the center until Nov. 3. (TFP Photo/Lori King)

Early Voting Center

TARTA can also get early voters where they are going for regular fare. Routes 3, 19 and 52 reach the early vote center at Lucas County’s Shared Services building at 3737 West Sylvania Ave.

Early voting runs through Sunday, November 3.

Nov. 5 | Election Day

TARTA fixed route, paratransit and TARTA Flex on-demand services will be free on Tuesday, Nov. 5, as part of the Voter Ready with TARTA campaign.

At the Voter Ready website, customers will find resources to help locate their polling place and find a route to take them there. Paratransit customers can make reservations by calling 419-382-9901.

“TARTA’s mission is to connect the community with the destinations that matter most, and that certainly includes making sure everyone has the opportunity to vote,” said Laura Koprowski, TARTA’s chief executive officer.

“Fare-free rides on election day is TARTA’s way of removing barriers, so everyone’s voice can be heard,” she said.

Daily Dose | The Humorist


Editorial cartoon by Don Lee for the Toledo Free Press.

The webs they weave


Spider webs are natural, beneficial symbol of Halloween

WHITEHOUSE – Spider webs can be amazing creations that, like fingerprints, can often be used to identify the species that built it.

This time of year it’s the big orb webs – those large magnificent webs constructed with concentric rings of silk – that come front and center. They’re a standard symbol in the spooky-look scenes crafted for Halloween. 

Those big webs are often the work of the black and yellow Argiope, often called the black and yellow garden spider because, well, it’s the inch-long spider often observed in our gardens, hanging upside down in those classically perfect webs.  

Unbelievably, those big webs, up to two feet in diameter, only take a few hours for the female spider to complete. There are structural strands that support the web’s shape and form the framework for the sticky silks that actually capture prey. It’s said that each night she will consume the sticky strands and replace them.

Spiders and their link to Halloween had its start back in medieval times when spiders, along with black cats and rats, were believed to be associated with evil witches. Besides, what would a haunted house or a spooky cave be without spider webs?

Have fun with them as a symbol for Halloween, but think of them as natural and very beneficial pest removal specialists.

This web was captured in all its spooky beauty at the Blue Creek Metropark.

Opinion: Ohio’s Issue 1


State Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson makes her case

OHIO – Why have 38,000 Lucas County voters not been able to vote for their Ohio state senate candidate for the last two elections? Politician-drawn state maps.

Why did citizens in all 88 counties in Ohio gather signatures in the rain, sleet and snow to stop these politicians from continuing to draw unconstitutional maps? Because Ohioans, regardless of party label, believe in fairness.

Why did the “Citizens Not Politicians” campaign turn in more than 730,000 signatures to put Issue 1 on the November ballot? The petition gatherers believe that power belongs with the people and not politicians.

Why were there no members of the public at either of the two Ohio Ballot Board meetings to offer support for the ballot language that the majority members adopted? Because politicians are on the Ohio Ballot Board and wrote the ballot language to mislead Ohioans.

Why did the majority members of the Ohio Ballot Board create misleading ballot language to trick voters on Issue 1? Simply put, because politicians don’t trust voters!

State Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson. (Courtesy Photo)

There is a saying that “power begets power.” The November 5 election is truly a monumental time in our state; this election decides whether power is in the hands of the citizens or politicians. Not to diminish the national election, but Issue 1 is critically important for the future of the state of Ohio.

On November 5, Ohioans will vote on this citizen-led initiative to correct the mistakes that were made in 2015 and 2018, along with electing a president and other candidates. But removing control of the map-drawing process from politicians and creating a citizen redistricting commission is critical if we truly believe in a fair, representative democracy.

We all should remember that the Ohio Supreme Court ruled seven times that the 2022 legislative and congressional maps drawn by politicians were unconstitutional. Even though citizens were given the opportunity to present various versions of state and federal legislative districts, their maps were rejected by politicians on the Ohio Redistricting Commission. Furthermore, the Ohio Supreme Court said that the politician-drawn maps did not meet the rules and directives of the 2018 laws.

In 2022, students at Jones Leadership Academy were given the assignment to draw their own state and federal district maps in accordance with the same rules that the Ohio Redistricting Commission is supposed to follow. You could not imagine how stunned the students were when they witnessed what the adults did! Even high school juniors working on a school assignment could not believe how drastically the rules were violated.

The critics of this ballot initiative would have Ohio voters believe that the 15-member commission would have no oversight. This is not true! The process for becoming part of the commission ensures that members would not be so intent on creating districts to ensure their party’s politician has an unfair advantage.

There will be an open application and application review process, along with eligibility requirements independent of current party politics.

The ballot initiative would also mandate that the public have a meaningful opportunity to review the proposed maps and provide input BEFORE they are voted on. This is in contrast to the final 2022 and current maps, which were voted on without public feedback or input.

Other portions of the ballot initiative highlight why I will be voting “yes” on Issue 1. But rather than rely on the misleading language that the Ohio Ballot Board majority members created, please read the actual petition language that 730,000 voters signed to put this question before the citizens.

As the students told me at Jones Leadership Academy, fairness is fundamental!

Daily Dose | The Humorists


Homophone cartoon by Steven J Athanas for the Toledo Free Press.

Jerry Lee Lewis: “You suck.”


Two tales of meeting rock’n’roll legends

By Steven J Athanas | The Homewreckers’ Frontman

In my opinion (and after all, that is what this column is), meeting ‘famous’ people is highly overrated. It’s bound to be fun and exciting initially, but, as they say, they all put their pants on one leg at a time, and they all should get their Covid vaccinations, just like us.

I’ve met my share of rock stars (never mind who – I’m not telling you now, as it may be fodder for future columns), but none of those run-ins has ever changed my life. 

. . . OK, OK, OK, I’ll divulge one of the nicer ones I met. After my 25th high school reunion, I took a friend to catch her plane at Detroit Metro. After dropping her off, heading back to the parking garage to my car, I crossed paths with someone who looked remarkably like someone. I approached her.

”Aren’t you Ronnie Spector?” I inquired discreetly. Now, mind you, she wasn’t wearing any Hollywood sunglasses, strutting down the travelator with an obsequious entourage lagging behind. There was no one else staring, pointing at her. She was just a woman, on her own, carrying a small handbag.

 Her answer was unique, in my estimation. “Why, yes, who are you?” she said.

Her response was not snobbish, not trying to brush me off, it seemed genuinely . . . curious, sweet. She smiled.

”I’m just a fan, Ronnie, and it’s so nice to meet you,” I gushed.

She thanked me, we traded a couple niceties, and we each went our way.

A very sweet encounter. I didn’t feel the need to ask for her autograph. It seemed enough to have that endearing, simple moment. And then in 2022, she left us.

Others aren’t as accommodating.

As has been established, I have had more than my share of bands, as well as solo and duo excursions. Some of these bands I am quite proud of, some were filler between two good ones, and some weren’t so hot.

One of those tepid conglomerates happened in 1981-82. It was after The Best and morphed into The Wet Shavers. The band was called PLZ. The name was a bland effort to tap into the energy of XTC, one of the greatest under-recognized bands of all time and one of my faves. Other than that, the name referenced nothing – maybe I should’ve taken that as a clue.

The band PLZ. (Courtesy Photo/Steven J Athanas)

PLZ’s set list was more or less a continuation of The Best: A lot of new wave, Motown, rock’n’roll, with a smattering of originals thrown in. We played the usual venues: The Brass Bell, The Longhorn Saloon, etc.

The one venue where we did have a chance to play that was impressive was The Second Chance in Ann Arbor. It was also known as The Nectarine Ballroom for a while. From Cab Calloway to Iggy Pop to Sam & Dave to Patti Smith . . . the list of performers/bands goes on, and is quite awe-inspiring.

Needless to say, you won’t find PLZ on that website page, but we played on an off night, a Sunday, I think. Not much of a crowd; the bouncers (a lot of U of M football players) were behaving themselves, and we were  tryin’ to get somethin’ goin’ on. 

After our second set we took a break. Second Chance had one of the nicer break rooms of any club I’d ever played in. In the basement, it was a spacious room with unblemished furniture and tables (bands can be merciless on their break rooms). I  imagined the famous rumps that have sat on those chairs and sofas! B.B. King! Gil Scott Heron! Chuck Berry! Robert Fripp! O, my!

During the break, most of the band was sitting in the break room. Suddenly, the two doors swung open and in comes two big luggos; atypical bodyguards, muscular, sneering, doing their job. Sandwiched between these two behemoths was a well-coiffed dude, smirking like he owned it all . . . the one, the only, the Ferriday Fireball, rock’n’roll’s first great wild man, THE KILLER, Jerry Lee Lewis!

As I recall, he just stood between the two hunks, smirking, as though to say, “I’m here, whaddya gonna do about it?” My jaw dropped, I couldn’t have imagined anything more bizarre than his presence in that room, at that time.

Apparently, he had played an early show in Detroit, and, no doubt because of Second Chance’s reputation, he thought he’d drop by to see what was cookin’.

I don’t recall what I initially said, in no small part because of my shock, as I stood there looking at a true legend. I was closest to the doors and to his entrance. We small-talked a bit, maybe I offered him a seat – he declined.

As implied at the beginning of this piece, I’ve met my share of rock stars, but (mostly) never felt inclined to ask for an autograph. But JesusJoseph&Mary! this was a true icon, one of the founders of the art form that I chose to etch out a living!!  

In my mind, I had already decided I would ask him for his signature – break my stride of no autographs. The problem was, as I looked around the room, and for the life of me I couldn’t find a blank piece of paper!! I don’t know if the other band members were totally scared or what, but it seemed I was the only one carrying on this conversation. Perusing the room again, with a sense of urgency, I spotted an empty styrofoam cup sitting on the table next to me.

Without thinking (and before he decided to split) I grabbed the cup, put it in his face and asked him if he would sign it. Without saying a word, but giving me a look that said, “What kinda fukkin’ asshole would ask me to sign a styrofoam cup?” The Killer took the cup and pen and begrudgingly signed it.

Then, again, he just stood there with that smirk. An awkward silence followed, and not ready to give up his presence in the break room (not sure why) I asked him . . . 

WAIT! STOP THE PRESSES!! I asked Jerry Lee Lewis, the man who recorded at Sun Studios with Elvis, Johnny Cash and Carl Perkins, yes, THAT JERRY LEE LEWIS . . .

I had the audacity, the naivety, the kahunas to ask him, ”So, what’d ya think of the band?”`

Without missing a beat, he looked me straight in the eyes, with a piercing look that I’ll never forget till the day I die, and said . . .

”Son, you suck, your band sucks and you’re in the wrong business.” Verbatim; one doesn’t forget that review from that source.

I was told sometime later by a friend – what would I have expected him to have said? It was Jerry Lee Lewis. “Hey, Steve, you guys’re great. I really enjoyed your set. Could I maybe set in with y’all?”

Hell no, that ain’t the Killer. He was known for his bluntness, his meanness, lookin’ for a fight.

Does that make me feel any better? Not really, but I get it. I lived to fight again, and at least in Northwest Ohio kinda proved him wrong. At least that’s what I tell myself.

VID: “Be My Baby,” “Whole Lotta Shakin’”


Issue 9: Mayoral term limits

Toledoan Matthew Boyd, right, stands in line at the Early Voting Center on Friday. He weighed in on Issue 9, saying he'll cast a 'no' vote to not expand the term limits. (TFP Photo/Lori King)

Voters to decide if Toledo mayors can serve 3 terms

Issue 9 will appear on the ballot as follows: Proposed charter amendment City of Toledo. Shall the proposed amendment set forth by citizen-initiated petition to Chapter VI Section 87S of the charter of the City of Toledo to limit the number of consecutive four-year mayoral terms to three from two, to be consistent with the term limits applied to Toledo City Council be adopted?

TOLEDO – When you pull into the Early Voting Center on Sylvania Ave. to cast your ballot for the Nov. 5 election, you’ll drive through dozens of political yard signs. It’s apparent from the many ‘Vote No on Issue 9’ signs that this issue is one of the more controversial ones Toledo voters will decide on in November.

BJ Fischer, the spokesman for the issue, explained that Issue 9 is a proposed amendment to expand the Toledo mayor’s term limit from two to three, or 12 years, to be consistent with city council terms. The proposal first appeared on the ballot last year “along with a dozen or so charter changes.” The issue was included with other charter proposals, resulting in its defeat at the polls.

Fischer said there had been some criticism about the items being lumped together on the ballot, so this year it was separated as an individual item for voters to decide. A citizen petition ensued earlier this year and enough signatures were obtained to place the proposal on the ballot.

He said there are advantages to extending it, particularly with Toledo’s strong mayor form of government. Approved by voters in 1993, this type of government gives Toledo mayors a large degree of control and responsibility.

Fischer brought up Columbus as an example, noting the mayor is limited to four terms, or 16 years. The extended time allows for better regional prosperity, increased stability in leadership and the ability to implement long-term initiatives. He emphasized that extending the term limit does not mean Toledo voters will reelect a mayor.

“In general, Toledo voters change mayors after one term,” he said, noting that only Carty Finkbeiner and current Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz have been elected to a second term since the strong mayor government was approved.

A proponent for a no vote on Issue 9 hands out informational flyers on the issue at the Early Voting Center on Friday. (TFP Photo/Lori King)

Fischer also acknowledged concerns by those who believe the term limits should remain at two.

Matthew Boyd is one of those voters who has concerns. On Friday, as he stood in a long line outside of the Early Voting Center, he shared his opinion on why he is voting no on Issue 9.

“Issue 9 is the charter amendment to extend consecutive terms for mayor from two to three. I think that is not necessary,” he said.

“An executive power for governor and presidency of two terms should be consistent at the local level, as well,” Boyd reasoned. “I think that every now and again we need new leadership, a new person to have a chance to take it in a different direction. I mean, some things that are going on right now are good, some things are not so good.

“So, I’m just looking to keep consistent because every other mayor in the past had two terms, like Carty. He ran and then he ran again a couple years later. Just two terms for consecutive terms and then you have to get out,” Boyd said.

Fischer said that whether or not Issue 9 passes is up to the voters. “The people should have the right to decide. The choice remains in the hands of voters.”

Daily Dose | The Humorists


Cartoon by Jerry King for the Toledo Free Press.

Owens earns accreditation

Adjunct instructor Kimberley Fisher talks with students during an early childhood teaching class geared for children up to five years old. The Owens Community College Department of Teacher Education and Human Services recently received a seven-year Accreditation for its Early Childhood Education Technology program through the National Association for the Education of Young Children. (TFP Photo/Scott W. Grau)

Early Childhood Education program continues legacy

PERRYSBURG – The Owens Community College Department of Teacher Education and Human Services has received a seven-year accreditation for its Early Childhood Education Technology program through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Household items are used as teaching aides for children up to five years old during an early childhood teaching classes. (TFP Photo/Scott W. Grau)

Owens was the first institution in the state to receive NAEYC accreditation more than 20 years ago, and it is still one of only three in Ohio to have the designation. Across the United States and Canada, Owens has one of 214 accredited programs.

“We’re pretty proud of that,” said Michelle Arbogast, chair for Teacher Education and Human Services. “Their standards are tough. They look at everything from your college president to your curriculum to your admissions, your faculty, your support services. It’s very thorough.

“It’s validated all of the hard work and preparation, that we know our students are prepared when they leave here,” Arbogast said.

Adjunct instructor Kimberley Fisher, right, instructs students how to make puppets during an early childhood teaching class in Founders Hall. (TFP Photo/Scott W. Grau)

In addition to the associate degree in Early Childhood Education Technology, the Department of Teacher Education and Human Services offers degrees in Community & Family Service, Education Transfer Concentration and Social Work Transfer Pathway, and certificates in Advanced Instructional Technology and Design, ASL Interpreter Preparation and Foundations in Instructional Technology and Design.

The YWCA of Northwest Ohio and Owens have a partnership allowing students in the YWCA program to transition into the Owens Early Childhood Education program. Upon completion of the CDA certification, students can receive up to six credit hours of college credit toward their Early Childhood Education associate degree.

According to a news release from NAEYC, the accreditation “serves as a mechanism for ensuring a consistent and high level of program quality.” The organization sets “national standards for programs that prepare early childhood teachers of children from birth through age 8.”

First-year student John Klocko talks with instructor Kimberley Fisher during an early education teaching class. (TFP Photo/Scott W. Grau)

To retain accreditation, programs must demonstrate the following:

  • They meet NAEYC’s standards
  • Respond to the unique needs of their degree candidates and communities
  • Provide intentional learning experiences to allow their degree candidates to obtain the knowledge and skills to be effective
  • Continually assess and reflect on their degree candidates’ performance.

While the Owens program is reaccredited through 2029, there are annual and biannual reports it must submit to NAEYC.

Arbogast said the bulk of the work came down to her and fellow Teacher Education and Human Services faculty, professor Mindy Gray from the Findlay-area Campus and adjunct instructors Kimberley Fisher, Belinda Costin and Nehama Miller.

However, she said the process involved the entire team.

“It took a little bit of everybody, from the president to our faculty and secretary and staff,” Arbogast said.

Arbogast said NAEYC commended the Owens team for how thoroughly it reviewed its program. The first report they submitted was 118 pages.

“It’s such an introspective on your program that you not only look at where you are now but what is the vision for the program going forward,” Arbogast said. “It validated the things we do well, our team and the support system we have at Owens.”

For more information on the Owens Department of Teacher Education and Human Services, visit Teacher Education.
Student Rebekah Van Wormer shows off her hand-made puppet during an early education teaching class at Owens. (TFP Photo/Scott W. Grau)