The United Muslim Association of Toledo issued a statement condemning the murder of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Libya. On Sept. 11, during a reported protest against the film “Innocence of Muslims” in Benghazi, Libya, militants stormed the U.S. Consulate.
“We demand action from the Libyan government to bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible. We strongly condemned the attacks on the United States Embassies in Benghazi and Cairo. The Islam teaches us preservation of life and property,” said the news release from S. Maseeh Rehman, president of the United Muslim Association of Toledo, and S. Zaheer Hasan, public relations chair.
“[Prophet Muhammad] displayed such restraint during the worst circumstances of his life. We hope that Muslims all over the world will follow his example and not succumb to the provocations induced by the heinous documentary produced by the outfit in California, by taking law and order in their own hands. Muslims are advised to walk away expressing peace when ignorance cannot be dealt with in a civic manner. By doing otherwise, they are only playing into the hands and desires of such hateful elements in our society who have no respect for the feelings of others,” the statement read.
The film reportedly depicts the Prophet as gay, supportive of pedophilia and dumb. The video has sparked other protests in the Middle East this week. Protesters in Yemen assailed the embassy and protesters in Cairo also attempted to overrun the U.S. Embassy there.

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