Tucked Response

I have always enjoyed reading the articles in Toledo Free Press, and especially the Myles Eckert story (March 9). As I was reading Michael S. Miller’s column about his weight loss (“Tucked”), I thought, “Good for you and for your family.”

Then, I get to the part “… eating a chocolate fudge sundae with enough ice cream to fill Sofia Vergara’s halter top.” REALLY!

What about a banana split-eating contest with enough ice cream and bananas to fill your old boxers?

It’s 2014 and unfortunately women are still putting up with comments and implications like that from men.

So, as your son grows up, you can give him an elbow and say, “Hey, son, look at those scoops” and the two of you can have a “ha ha ha” moment.

As a woman, I did not have a “ha ha ha” moment, because it had a sexist connotation.

As I continue to pick up Toledo Free Press from my drive, it will now go into the trash where it belongs! What you implied was not necessary.
Joanne Vargo

Michael S. Miller responds:
Your letter certainly made me feel like a boob. I am doubly sad that because you found one line in one column offensive, you will no longer choose to remain abreast of the local news and content we deliver. I suppose it’s no use to offer to meet you for a double-scoop milkshake to discuss your bombshell. I will rack this up as a bust, as you have made your decision and nothing I can say will shift it.

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