Manos Community Garden will host a Garden Party for the Birds on May 4, 2012. Starting at 11 a.m., the party will dedicate the garden and unveil a 200-foot-long mural completed by seven artists.

The garden is at Jackson and 14th streets behind Manhattan’s.
The dedication to Manos Paschalis, who owns the garden, will commence first. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur will be present.

The agencies and organizations involved in the garden, including Toledo GROWs, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities will thank her for helping to bring funding to the garden.

At noon, those who attend can meet the artists who completed the mural. Toledo School for the Arts’ Steel Drum Band will perform from 12:30–1:30 p.m.
Th e organizers will give out free “Celebrate Urban Birds” kits and posters and off er a drawing for free bird feeders.

The day also signals the kickoff of the community garden growing season with Toledo GROWs.

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