Thomas and Jacqueline Siefke were married in 1938. Photo Courtesy Luanne Hodges

Thomas and Jacqueline Siefke will celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary July 16.

Tom is a decorated veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps where he served during World War II. He went on to work with Ohio Bell retiring in 1979. Jackie worked at the Lion Store for a number of years. The couple had two children, Charles Thomas (deceased) and Sharon Prince along with one grandson and one great-grandson.

“We still think it is unbelievable,” Jackie said.

“Well, we always liked to do the same things and did them together,” Jackie said. “We bowled, played golf, went bike riding into our 70s, watched movies and all kinds of sporting events and always participated in family get-togethers and celebrations from adults down to the newborns — which we are still celebrating in our family and always respected each other.”

This couple doesn’t plan to stop having fun.

“Plans for the future? Making our annual winter trip to Royal Palm Beach, Fla., where we have been going since the ’70s.”

The two say their marriage is “all about love.”

“She is kind, caring and giving — always making sure everyone is happy no matter what,” Tom said. “He is easygoing, happy and does not let things bother him,” Jackie said. “Tom also has a good sense of humor and enjoys being with people.”

Their nicknames, AJ and UT (for Aunt Jackie and Uncle Tom), were created years ago by family and friends. Tom and Jackie will celebrate at a small dinner party with immediate family and a few friends.

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