The pictures have been snapped. The words have been penned. The venue has been booked. The Facebook page has been created.  A movement has been started. The media has been alerted, interviews have taken place. The T-shirts have been designed. The food and drinks have been selected. Sleep has been nonexistent.  The stress has been present for weeks.  This is Me has been my world for the last two months, all in hopes that it will be yours for just one night.

Baumhower,-Jeremy-2013The hook isn’t the makeup, the pictures or the event, but who it is going to help. I have witnessed what Girls on the Run does and I share its dream of bringing this amazing program to less affluent schools in our city.

This is Me will feature huge beautiful photographs taken by artist Lee Bates. The pictures show the beautiful faces of some of Northwest Ohio’s most influential women, all wearing absolutely no makeup. It will be more than an art show. The night will feel like a celebration, a party, an event.

Each picture will be accompanied with words that illustrate why the honorees were chosen. The combination of image and words is designed to inspire the young and old alike.

This is Me is not only visual, it will have the area’s best musicians providing an unforgettable soundtrack. The night will showcase The Rivets, Carmen Miller and KristiMarie & the Audiophiles.

All of the proceeds will go to the Girls on the Run of Northwest Ohio’s scholarship fund.  This money will be used to financially support GOTR at a school who’s parents might not otherwise be able to.

Please come and support these women, their stories, Girls on the Run of NW Ohio and a dream I had.

This is Me happens from 7-11 p.m. Sept. 13 at The Blarney Event Center in Downtown Toledo.  Tickets are $20 in advance at  or $25 at the door.

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